Fusil L115A3

A sniper from the Mobility Recce Force of 1 Royal Welsh, aims his L115A3 rifle on a Reassurance Patrol north of Patrol Base Wahid, Nad-E’ Ali, Helmand. The patrol had successfully partnered with a platoon of Afghan National Army soldiers for the patrol.

British snipers fulfil a vital and enduring role on the battlefield, in terms of intelligence-gathering, target identification and eliminating high-value targets.

The L115A3 rifle, part of the Sniper System Improvement Programme (SSIP), is a large-calibre weapon which provides state-of-the-art telescopic day and night all-weather sights, increasing a sniper’s effective range considerably.

The first batch of SSIPs were deployed to Afghanistan in May 2008.

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Photographer: Maj Paul Smyth
Image 45151384.jpg from www.defenceimages.mod.uk